GZA Complex: Strong Crops Need a Strong Start >>

GZA Technology - strong start

We can’t stress enough the importance of a good start of the crop season to achieve yield goals. Setting up soil and plants for success requires planning and adjustments from previous year’s actions. However, there are some additions outside of population, timing, and variety selection that can pay dividends at the end of the season.

Strong, uninterrupted development in early growth stages can be a challenge based on weather and other climatic factors. But ensuring a healthy start in the first 30 days can really set the crop for success later on. No different than people, a plant that’s getting the water and nutrients it needs with a strong foundation can better face the challenges that it encounters.

One of our main tools to boost plant health and early growth is our patented GZA Complex. It is found in several of our products and can be applied in varied ways, being adapted to different crop and nutritional programs.


What is the GZA Complex?

GZA is a precise, synergistic, concentrated complex that comes from nature. It is a combination of precision seaweed extracts and activated humic and fulvic acids. The patented refining process these humic substances go through make them 120 times more reactive than a humic acid taken through standard fractionation extraction processes.


What are the GZA Complex’s Main Benefits?

Among the many benefits of this patented technology are:

Increases Root Development

GZA increases root hair development in several ways. Hair roots do the majority of feeding for the plant. As root development is increased, plant establishment and soil exploration are also improved.


Promotes Better Nutrient Uptake

GZA increases nutrient uptake. This is due to the effect of the specific humic and fulvic system on soil nutrient availability and the selected plant materials improving the assimilation of nutrients.


Intensifies Chlorophyll Production

Provides more energy focused on vegetative growth. Our research has shown an increase of 60% in chlorophyll after 6 days following treatment.


Enhances Tolerance to Stress

Promotes steady growth through all crop stages. This is function comes from utilizing scientifically proven amino acids that reduce abiotic stress in plants.


How GZA Acts on Main Agronomic Challenges

GZA - Crop Establishment Crop Establishment

During crop establishment, crops can face problems such as cold, water-saturated soil, dry/droughty conditions, and uneven soil conditions. All these factors can affect plants with slow emergence, poor nutrient availability, uneven stands, and poor root development.

A corn stand that emerges with missing plants or late-emerging seedlings from stress can result in up to 22% yield loss. (Carter et al 1989)

In this stage, GZA has proven to:

  • Ensure root development for better establishment: +17%
  • Improve phosphorus uptake: +8% to 16%
  • Improves stand counts in corn: +8%


GZA - Nutrient Management Nutrient Management

Some problems that appear in the way of nutrient management are soil chemistry, which impacts available nutrients, management practices that can negatively impact soil life, and weather, which can impact the plant’s ability to utilize nutrients. These factors can result in the tie-up of Phosphorus, Nitrogen leaching, inefficient soil organic matter, and the inability of plants to take in nutrients.

Some GZA results seen in nutrient management are:

  • Increase of microbial biomass in the soil: +27%
  • Increase of photosynthesis: +40%
  • Nutrient mobilization in the soil to the plant: +27 to 33%


GZA - Crop Development Crop Development

In crop development stages, the plants can encounter stresses generated by drought, sunlight, cold, or herbicide application. These can cause nutrient movement to slow down, a decrease in photosynthesis, growth to slow or stop, cell damage, and growth stages not being maximized (flower, fruit, grain fill).

GZA results seen in crop development:

  • Improves chlorophyll lifespan by +60%
  • Protects cells from climactic stress by improving osmotic pressure
  • Ensure new organ development: +20%



Which TIMAC AGRO Products Contain the GZA Complex?

The GZA Complex can be found in different products, most of them focused on early development stages: all formulations of the FERTIACTYL line, including seed treatment FERTIACTYL ST, and also in our seed inoculant BioSinc.

Fertiactyl jug  

Talk to a TIMAC AGRO Agronomic Technical Consultant to find out which of these options fits best in your crop management program.


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